If you have an event coming up soon that you want to promote on your website, but you’re not sure where to start, then this guide can help you out! This article will talk about how much it costs to build a bookingsystem hjemmeside like we did here, and how you can use it to promote your next event.


Upfront costs

There are three main upfront costs to starting a website: domain name, hosting, and design/development costs.For more information click here: hvad koster en hjemmeside

Maintenance costs

Website maintenance costs will depend on what you are using the site for and how often you update it with new content. It is important to factor in these costs as part of your budget planning, especially if you want to keep your site up-to-date with fresh content and high quality design work.

Customization costs

The price of your website depends on what you want it to do, the complexity and how many pages you want it to have. For instance, if you want to create a simple site with only one or two pages then it will be cheaper than one with five or six pages.
If you are not sure how much your website should cost then take a look at our pricing page for more information!

Add-on features

We want to make it as easy as possible for people to find your business, so we have created an app that lets users search your city and find the closest available appointment time. We also have features that let you edit your profile, set up appointment reminders and view feedback from past clients. All of this is included in our base pricing!