New technologies have been developing since the dawn of recorded human history. From the development of tools like the spear and crude knives made of rocks and sticks to help people catch and kill animals for food, through inventions like the first printing press and the computer. Are the impacts favourable or unfavourable? For more details please click here technology

The word “technology” is used to refer to all of the improvements, talents, works of art, projects, ideas, and information that we as human beings have made. In the 20th and 21st centuries, technology has advanced remarkably quickly. It was quite possible that along with the positive features of these new breakthroughs, people would also consider the negative aspects and try to critique new technologies because electronic technology and machines were being manufactured and improved all the time.

Good aspects

As the saying goes, “NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION,” meaning that needs often lead to innovations, and each innovation is accompanied by the need for improvement and transformation. Every day, there are more and more new advancements. Many of the long-term trends in such fundamental aspects of the human condition as the size of the world’s population, life expectancy, educational attainment, material standards of living, and the nature of work, communication, health care, war, and the effects of human activity on the environment can be attributed in large part to technological change.

Technology also has many direct and indirect effects on other facets of society and our personal life, such as governance, entertainment, interpersonal relationships, and our conceptions of morality, mind, matter, and our own human nature. It goes without saying that these developments also stimulate economic development since efficient technology use lowers the cost of material production and overhead expenses, which creates savings in the economy and promotes national development.

And the Contrary Side

Potentials and issues frequently coexist; society is more reliant on technology. So much so that we occasionally lack the desire to consider our actions carefully. If downloading the morning newspaper takes more than a few seconds, we get frustrated. We anticipate receiving prompt replies to our emails, and we anticipate having someone pick up their cell phone whenever and wherever we call.

We are so busy thanks to technology that we don’t even have time for our loved ones. Being in contact via chat and online messaging while living in the same city is surprising, but people do it because they believe it to be faster and more efficient than meeting up in person, which can never be a substitute for online chatting.

“Overall, technology is both a friend and a threat”

Technology, as a whole, is both a friend and an enemy, according to Neil Postman, the author of the book Technopoly. He can understand the benefits and how technology may be considered as a friend to humanity because ‘it makes life easier, cleaner and longer’. He can concede that it benefits humanity. It’s almost a positive argument based on technology, such as medical innovations like x-ray machines and pharmaceuticals that let people live longer and benefit humanity. This is a highly advantageous feature of progress since it allows us to live longer and have better health. Nonetheless, businesses are mostly responsible for creating these medical discoveries, which they subsequently decide to monetize. This avarice weakens moral responsibility; they no longer have the goal of saving lives or restoring health. They are merely advancing technology to increase their ability to profit greatly.

Technology, in Neil Postman’s opinion, also undermines human endeavours. Technology erodes human social relationships and fosters “a culture without moral base,” according to this theory. This is currently evident in the online debate over social networking sites. Although Facebook was designed to help individuals network and communicate, some people use it as their exclusive means of interaction with other people. Their social skills in the offline, non-internet world do not necessarily benefit from this. Individuals who rely heavily on technology to build social connections can develop addictions to it and grow dependent on it. It makes it difficult to comprehend things like reading body language and facial expressions.


When technology is used for good, it spurs growth in related and unrelated fields, but when it is misused, it can have disastrous effects on people or the entire planet. Technology has changed and will continue to transform the moral foundation of society. It is up to the current generation to heed this warning and prevent social travesties of this magnitude from ever happening again. As we enter the next millennium, technological advancements will continue to progress quickly. Making sure that these developments are beneficial to all of humanity is crucial.