Instagram is a fantastic platform for sharing short, engaging videos. But what if you want to save a video you find on Instagram to watch later or share elsewhere? While Instagram doesn’t offer a built-in download option, there are third-party tools and websites that can help you extract the MP4 video file. Here are three reasons why you might choose instagram link to mp4 .

1. Offline Viewing: Not everywhere has reliable internet access. Downloading videos allows you to watch them offline, whenever and wherever you like. This is particularly useful for traveling or commuting when you might have limited connectivity.

2. Sharing on Other Platforms: Perhaps you find an Instagram video hilarious and want to share it with friends who aren’t on the platform. Downloading the MP4 allows you to upload the video to other social media sites like Facebook or Twitter.

3. Creating Backups: Sometimes, things disappear from the internet. Downloading a copy of a video ensures you have it saved even if the original post is deleted.

Here’s a Guide on How to Download Instagram Videos as MP4s:

Disclaimer: It’s important to remember that downloading content online might infringe on copyright laws. Always ensure you have the proper permissions before downloading any videos.

There are various online services and apps that can help you download Instagram videos. Here’s a general outline of the steps involved:

  1. Copy the Instagram video link: Open the Instagram app or website and navigate to the video you want to download. Tap or click the three dots (…) in the top right corner of the post and select “Copy Link.”
  2. Use a video downloader website: Search for “Instagram video downloader” on your preferred search engine. Choose a reputable website (be cautious of intrusive ads or malware). Paste the copied link into the designated field on the website and click “Download” or a similar button.
  3. Choose the MP4 format: Some websites might offer different video quality options. Select the MP4 format for the best compatibility.
  4. Download the video: The website will process the link and provide a download link for the MP4 video file. Click the download link and save the video to your device.

Additional Tips:

  • Look for websites that offer clear privacy policies and do not require intrusive logins.
  • Be wary of downloaders that bundle unwanted software with the download.
  • Only download videos from accounts that have given permission for their content to be shared.

By following these guidelines, you can download Instagram videos as MP4s for offline viewing, sharing on other platforms, or creating backups. Remember to prioritize copyright and only download content with the appropriate permissions.