Maintaining good oral health is not just about having a sparkling smile; it’s also crucial for overall well-being. While most people are familiar with dentists who clean teeth, fill cavities, and perform other routine dental procedures, there’s another dental professional who plays a vital role in oral health: the periodontist. Dentist Near Me

What is a Periodontist?

A periodontist is a dental professional who specialises in implant placement as well as the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gum disorders, also referred to as periodontal diseases. Following their graduation from dental school, periodontists typically pursue three more years of rigorous education in the field of periodontology. They have the knowledge and abilities necessary to handle complicated problems involving the gums and the tooth’s supporting tissues thanks to their specialised training.

Why Are They Essential?

  1. Gum Disease Management: Periodontists are experts in managing gum diseases, which are prevalent and can have serious consequences if left untreated. Conditions like gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) and periodontitis (inflammation around the tooth) can lead to gum recession, tooth loss, and even systemic health problems if bacteria from the mouth enter the bloodstream.
  2. Advanced Treatments: They deliver more sophisticated gum disease therapies than regular dentists do. In order to repair damaged tissues and bone around the teeth, these may involve gum grafts, pocket reduction surgeries, scaling and root planing (deep cleaning), and regenerative treatments.
  3. Dental Implant Placement: Periodontists are skilled in placing dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots used to support replacement teeth. They assess patients’ suitability for implants, perform implant surgeries, and ensure the long-term success of these restorations by maintaining the health of the surrounding gums and bone.
  4. Collaborative Care: Periodontists often work closely with general dentists and other dental specialists to provide comprehensive care for patients. They collaborate on treatment plans, share information, and coordinate efforts to ensure the best possible outcomes, particularly for patients with complex dental needs.
  5. Preventive Care: Beyond treating existing issues, periodontists also emphasize preventive care. They educate patients about proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, to help prevent gum disease and maintain optimal oral health.
  6. Research and Innovation: In order to improve our knowledge of and ability to treat periodontal disorders, many periodontists are engaged in research. Their contributions to science foster innovation in dentistry, resulting in better patient outcomes and treatment methods.

When to See a Periodontist?

It’s essential to see a periodontist if you experience symptoms of gum disease, such as red, swollen, or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, receding gums, or loose teeth. Additionally, if you’re considering dental implants or have been referred by your general dentist due to concerns about your gum health, scheduling a consultation with a periodontist is advisable.


Periodontists are indispensable members of the dental care team, specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of gum diseases and the placement of dental implants. Their expertise, advanced training, and commitment to oral health contribute significantly to maintaining healthy smiles and overall well-being. By partnering with general dentists and other dental professionals, periodontists play a crucial role in ensuring comprehensive and effective dental care for patients of all ages. If you’re experiencing gum problems or considering dental implants, consulting a periodontist can help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health for years to come.