For the past ten years or so, eBay and Amazon have dominated the online markets for people looking to sell goods online. Due to the enormous success of these two web behemoths, the usual copycats and imitators emerged. For many years, none of these copycats was able to capture a sizable portion of the market. Over the past three years, this started to shift. For more details Nulled

Both eBay and Amazon were so big and strong that they started to think nothing could ever compete with them. They started passing additional laws and regulations simply to give the impression that they were doing something because, like the federal government, they were both disinterested and bloated by the extent of their power. Many of Amazon’s vendors were unable to follow or keep up with the tight new criteria and sales metrics that were implemented. eBay started a policy in which smaller corporate sellers were prioritised over mom and pop shops. The promise of eBay as a place where everyone could go and, if they were prepared to work hard, earn a good living, was quickly supplanted by restrictions that limited the number of things that could be sold during any given month and the amount of money that could be made. To make it simpler to restrict and/or suspend a seller’s account, stricter regulations were put in place.

At eBay, accounts were terminated without providing the seller with a formal hearing or even a rationale for the termination. Many power vendors were driven to abandon the website by these new regulations. to open a business for themselves or to relocate. The individuals who contributed to making eBay the dominant internet marketplace are now free agents. These former “power salespeople” used their abilities and expertise elsewhere. They started assisting in the growth of these sites’ popularity and market share.

Five years ago, the majority of online retailers would have laughed at the idea that they could make a living online without using Amazon or eBay as their primary sales channels. Thousands of people are now engaged in that activity. Numerous former members of Amazon and eBay have created their own websites or are making good money working at other online marketplaces. One is sure to get a smile if they mention the names iOffer, Ecrater, Atomic Mall, eBay, and Bonanza to former Amazon and eBay vendors. Without the mega sites, it is now simpler for merchants to make a modest income thanks to these new and expanding websites. More than eight million people use Etsy alone, and that number is rising.

All industries are first managed by monopolies. This was true for both the auto and airline industries. Over time, a lot more rivals emerged. Many tried and failed, but many more persevered until they started to make a name for themselves. How many franchise restaurants are there for burgers, chicken, ice cream, and tyres? How many drink brands do you have at your neighbourhood grocery store? eBay and Amazon viewed themselves as General Mills or Pepsi, owning all available shelf space. They are just just starting to realise that there are increasingly more options available. There is a website out there with a growing market share for every taste and every customer. Both online buyers and sellers are responsible for finding these websites. This is going to be a wonderful new world for the purchaser. Prices will continue to decline as there is more competition. There will continually be more online shelf space available to the vendor for their products.

It might be time for everyone who wants to conduct business online to look at all of the eBay and Amazon alternatives. Not because I despise mega sites, or because their costs are too expensive, or because there are too many rules on them, but because it is smart business. Utilizing all available chances to develop and grow one’s firm is always a smart business move.